How to get rid of stress?/5
Okay, it's poetry, let's go back to the question of how to get rid of stress. Thus, the lack of money may well be one of the main causes of your stress. Therefore, in this case is useless to meditate, go on nature and listen to beautiful music, all this does not eliminate the underlying cause. It is better to think about how to increase your income, how to reduce costs and establish a reserve to a future similar situations do not arise.
If you have a bad relationship in the family, then enjoy a study of the psychology of the opposite sex, study the psychology of relationships, ask yourself what you are doing wrong and why relationships do not add up. Listen without interrupting or arguing, partner, and his claim, and then try to see myself from outside. Most of these actions is enough to understand what went wrong and what needs to be fixed.
I think the ability to identify and address the underlying causes of stress is clear. This algorithm can be applied not only to solve financial problems, but also for the people. If the cause of your stress is constant communication with the negative-minded person, a vampire in fact, it is useless to every day to inspire yourself that you are tolerant and forgiving people Tverdopupkinu for her importunity, criticism, gossip, which she extends to you a lot of years, etc. Instead, you simply stop communicating with that person, despite the fact that you blame for all the wrongs from the creation of the world. Believe me, tomorrow that person will find another "victim", as well forget about you. So do not be too much to endure, and always because of this experience stress, which may eventually evolve into something more serious problems, including disease.
Категория: Английские | Добавил: audiua (25.04.2012)
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