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How to arrange an unusual party at home?/4
In recent times become a very popular theme parties to celebrate holidays. For example, I recently received an unusual invitation to a birthday party of an acquaintance. The invitation stated that all members of the Komsomol and the dudes friends are invited to the cocktail lounge (in brackets, the address of his flat) at the birthday celebration. When a request to have any items that reflect the era of the time. Had to be dressed in the style mods 50-60 years.
Of course, the event was very fun and unusual. Already in the apartment hallway felt the spirit of retro era. On the walls hung posters with loud slogans of Soviet times, the doors and windows were plastered with sham Soviet rubles, printed from the Internet, and, of course, wherever possible, were records. The owner of a party is sought, and got hold of an old gramophone somewhere, so that the entourage is quite consistent with the spirit of the time.

Of particular note is the dress code. In our company were all creative people and seriously came to choosing their attire. The boys were in bright jackets, shirts and contrasting ties. Well, most of the girls wearing close-fitting dress, poyasochki, stockings, someone even tied a bright kerchief on his head. Specifically, this image was not without a set of beads, earrings and bracelets. An important role in women's way of playing stilyazhnom makeup and hair. This is sure arrows on the outer corner of eye, thickly painted lashes, bright shade and lush hair.

The most fun at this birthday party was associated with dance and music. There was a contest, which had to dance the boogie-woogie in the pair, holding their heads at first orange, then spins, and finally - the priests. Won a couple who never dropped the orange.
Категория: Английские | Добавил: audiua (25.04.2012)
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