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They do not fall spirit?
- Why are you even in the most difficult situations to be obtained may not be happy, but at least it is not embittered by life? I did when I was hard and difficult, usually, or pluck on others, or fall into self-pity, and then depressed. I feel sorry for myself, I start thinking about how everything is bad and that out of the situation there. And I'm sure that my life is not fulfilled the desires of which I dreamed.
- Listen, Lel, if you think your dreams and desires are not fulfilled, you yourself know that with that mindset ...
- Yes, all I know, here and ask how you get even in the most precarious circumstances, even when away from your life those whom you love, how you turned out not to fall in spirit and continue to live? Where do you get the strength and energy to a Phoenix reborn from the ashes? Where do you find strength, and most importantly the confidence to dream again, set goals, and most importantly - to live without the aggression and frustration? How many years have you know, but even in the hardest times you always manage to stay open and good about life and people.
- I do not know what to say to you, dear Lel. I'm not sure that the complex is really painful periods of my life, I've always been kind to people and acted appropriately. After the loss of those whom you loved and who was dear to you, it's the worst that is given to us to try. And now I realize that does not always behave the way I wanted. Although, you know better. Sometimes I think that you know about me more than I do about myself and my life. Perhaps this is not surprising, because you know I have many, many years. Yes, and from it more visible.
As for the openness and kindness, a lack of aggression and frustration, the ability to not fall into despair, and even in the most difficult period of life continue to live, so there are no mysteries and secrets. I'm just grateful for what is now, despite the fact that someone or something away from my life.
When I start to thank gradually realize that we should not focus on who you lost, you need to appreciate those who have stayed with you, who is in your life here and now. And remember with gratitude those moments that have been in the past.
Yes, at first it does not relieve the pain and feelings of deep regret, but it helps to survive, helps not to offend or to hurt those who are close now. Indeed, in his grief, we often do not notice the number of living and begin to destroy, injure, and leave deep scars in the hearts of friends and relatives.
As for the loss of some material things, and unfulfilled expectations ... You know, compared to a loss of people dear to you all as it is not something that is pushed into the background, and to some one hundred and seventieth. In recent years, when in my life occur any unforeseen circumstances, it is related to material things, I say to myself: "Let this be the biggest challenge of my life," and then begin to thank for the fact that I live and for those who are near me.
Try it, everything will fall right into place.
- And if I do not give thanks for what? No, I'm glad is over, that my life is family, but really that's all I have.
Категория: Английские | Добавил: audiua (25.04.2012)
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