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Главная » 2012 » Май » 4 » Suddenly my right 20
Suddenly my right 20
ших. I have seen long grey street in Vest-Kensingtone at sad evening o'clock,
When yet do not light lanterns. And I was there - a small pity figure; I
Loudly cried, tears and slid from eyes... It was any more the page kni -
ги, and the cruel validity ".
It was painful returning.
Since then he mentions this garden in children's prayers: "My God, make so,
That I have dreamt about my garden! About, return me in my garden!"
Once, in some years, Wallace has seen for dirty, it large-lib.ru is strange znako -
мыми shops a long white wall and a green door!
But by this time Wallace became the exemplary pupil, it hastened in school, and
At it was only ten minutes to be in time on employment and to save up the re -
путацию the exemplary pupil. Perhaps, he wanted to return then here, but
The captivated garden to find not simply.
He yet did not know it. In seventeen years he has seen a door in a wall, when
Competitive examination to Oxford was coming it. And again familiar already to us razdvo -
енность: the hero does not dare to stop кеб.
Then he some times saw a green door, still wanted to get in
The garden, but never and has not entered there for светодиодная бегущая строка before it other door has opened -
Career door.
What further?
"Its body have found yesterday early in the morning in a deep hole, near Vest-kensingtons -
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