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Главная » 2012 » Май » 4 » Suddenly my right 14
Suddenly my right 14
галось it, according to composers of cards, somewhere in the Central Asia, on slu -
The boor, itself пресвитер spoke about the sea of sand near to its possession. To it wrote
Letters, for example, father Alexander III. Doctor Phillip should deliver it
The letter in the end of XII century to John. It is not known, whether exists though one letter
This mysterious kingdom the lord in the east or it is hearings. As vseg -
Yes, legends and an oral rumour, to it helping, draw a fantastic picture: tains -
твенный the monarch owned an emerald sceptre, a magic mirror and a fountain
Eternal youth. John has lived ostensibly 562 years. The American wrote the Hall:
"First of all, the empire пресвитера John is located in desert Gobi, where it
Lives in the middle of mountains in the bewitched lock. If you ask devoted opi -
сать this paradise they will answer that it was in desert heart. In sand
The ancient sea the temple of the invisible government of the world "is located.

* * *

I have found surprising words about the future and thought in a writing-book of Brusnikina about ka -
таклизме: "Stars show new evolution. Again to the Earth comes nearer plaits -
мический fire. Again the mankind will be put on trial, that vi -
To put, whether the spirit "has enough developed. So or approximately so Roerich transferred mi -
ровидение llamas. But after all about the same, about periodic destruction of life on ours
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