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Главная » 2012 » Май » 4 » Suddenly my right 10
Suddenly my right 10
In the best seller of XIII century "Shambhala Road", written with own hand
Tibetan the Panchen-llama, the Shambhala also is placed in mountainous area, and snow
Peaks surround it almost from different directions. Without the invitation of teachers of a Shambhala nik -
That will not get there. The invitation is sent телепатически. Daredevils, otva -
Were to go to a long way in itself, met precipices, obva -
The flowing arches of caves, the avalanches which were breaking from slopes and partitioning off to -
лины the deposits so that to pass pass. The same whom it is devoted -
ные and people of a Shambhala will want to see, they accept on its borders. It is the country
Great magicians, teachers of the world. Mongols and тибетцы saw on snow-covered sklo -
нах white people of high growth. In mountains Karakorum there are caves where are collected
Prehistoric treasures. Unknown horsemen on surprising horses, not -
Similar to local breeds, in the face of тибетцев skipped пo to valleys, then
Disappeared in underground passes and caves. Tibetan the llama spoke to Nikolay Re-
риху that the Shambhala people sometimes appear in the world, giving signs and handing over otli -
чия and gifts. When in the end of the last century in the East Mongolian monastery
There was head Shambaly Rigden Dzhapo, it was immediately learnt on a shining face.
In such rare occurences all candles are lighted by itself.
Has passed thirty years. In the twentieth year of our century the Polish scientist Os-
сендовский, running from Russia, has visited the same East Mongolian temple and
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